This week we have two tests besides spelling.
On Thursday we have our Science test. I usually write the tests so it covers the information that we have discussed in class. Tomorrow we will get our review sheet and on Wednesday we will all review together. I try to give a review sheet 2 days ahead of the test so they can have time to study. In science, knowing the vocabulary words are a major part of the test. On Friday, we are having a map quiz. Today we did the first map of Europe that has 15 questions on it. The students need to know the location and name of the following countries: Portugal - Lisbon Spain - Madrid United Kingdom - London Ireland - Dublin France - Paris Vatican City Italy - Rome Greece - Athens The students have the map that will be the quiz. The numbers are just rearranged for the final test. I will also give the students a sheet with all the countries and capitals. Then they will have to identify the correct place on the map and to spell each word correctly. We will spend time this week going through these countries on an overhead. By the end of this unit, they will know most of the countries in Europe.
It's week 3 of school. It seems like the days have been flying by. We were going to lunch today and one of the kids said that morning went fast. Our mornings are full and we get a lot done before lunch at noon.
Tomorrow at 7 is a DC trip meeting for the 7th and 8th grade parents. I am very excited about our trip this year! We are going to have a great time. For art this week, we have been coloring our picture using perspective. This is our first try at doing a perspective drawing. The drawings look good and I am excited to see the finished product. Right now I have the students writiing in their journal. Every day they write in their journal about a topic that I assign to them. Friday is free day and they get to choose what they want to write about.
On Wednesday, all students will have a literature quiz.
Go back to Mrs.Weber's page.Mrs. WeberI teach 5th-8th grade at SPI. I have a great bunch of students that enjoy learning. Archives |