Where has the month gone? It seems like the school year has been flying by. It's not just me though that feels like that -the students have been saying that too. It's amazing how fast time goes sometimes.
The 5th/6th graders are getting done with their Europe project. They have been working hard to get everythign done for this project, and I think that they have learned a lot along the way. Next Tuesday is our potluck. The potluck is a great time for the students to show off what they have done and to try different foods from other countries. It will be interesting to see what everyone brings in to eat. We are geting close to finishing the books that we are reading. The kids are antsy about starting the next books, but we are not there quite yet. i think another 2 or 3 weeks, and we'll be done. In English, we have been working on compound and complex sentences. I am trying to help everyone learn how to punctuate them correctly since many people write them incorrectly. I am also trying to get them to do this outside of just English class. On Monday, we saw our first snow of the year. All of the students were very excited to see the short lived snowstorm. i am not sure if I am ready for snow though. The past two months we have been doing one perspective and two perspective drawing. It has been a great learning experience, and the students have all done a great job with their drawings. I hope that you have gotten to see what they have drawn. Next week is Thanksgiving and then we are going to start the Christmas program. Busy time of the year coming up. Midquarter is the Monday after Thanksgiving!!
Check out the link to see the scene that the 7th and 8th graders acted out. Later, I will post their videos.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG-fnZR7DEw It's hard to believe it's midquarter already. I know that I am not the only one that has a hard time believing how fast these first few weeks have gone. It has been a good and busy time. We are getting into the swing of things and some big projects are around the corner.
The 5th/6th grade will be starting a large project for social studies. We will be planning a trip to Europe. They also will be working on an autobiography project for English. We will be doing a lot of writing for this. The 7th/8th graders will also be doing an autobiography project for English. I am trying to have a lot of writing. The more we write, the better we will become at doing it. We have also finished the first two books of the year - Bunnicula and The Giver. There have been mixed reviews of these books. Ask your child what they thought of the book that they have read. I am dividing the 5-8 graders into three groups for the next books. We will be reading Anne of Green Gables, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Charlotte's Web. All three are great books, and I hope the students enjoy them as much as I do. Tell your child to tell me you have read this blog. You child will get a treat if they do! Click on this link. Watch the video and do what is being shown. You might have to stop this video and go back several times if he draws too fast for you. Take your time so it looks good.
Click here http://thevirtualinstructor.com/onepointperspective.html It was a busy week last week even though it was only a 4 day week. For some reason, the kids and I felt like that the week was going slow for being a short week.
We had a social studies test on Friday which we spent some time reviewing for earlier in the week. I am trying to help the kids see how to study for tests so that they can have success on taking tests and learning what they need to study. This will hep them in all subjects. In English we have been a variety of noun activities. We reviewed common and proper nouns. We have been working on learning a variety of collective nouns. Some of our favorites were: A gaggle of geese, a bloat of hippos, a float of crocodiles (or alligators - I don't remember which one) and a congress of baboons. We hung pictures in the hall to show our collective nouns. We are heading towards the end of both The Giver and Bunnicula. We soon will be working on a project on both of these books. Tuesday is Sept. 11 so we will be talking about that day. It's hard to belive that some of these kids were not born then. I hope that everyone enjoys having Monday off. It will be a nice break after a busy three weeks.
This week we have two tests besides spelling.
On Thursday we have our Science test. I usually write the tests so it covers the information that we have discussed in class. Tomorrow we will get our review sheet and on Wednesday we will all review together. I try to give a review sheet 2 days ahead of the test so they can have time to study. In science, knowing the vocabulary words are a major part of the test. On Friday, we are having a map quiz. Today we did the first map of Europe that has 15 questions on it. The students need to know the location and name of the following countries: Portugal - Lisbon Spain - Madrid United Kingdom - London Ireland - Dublin France - Paris Vatican City Italy - Rome Greece - Athens The students have the map that will be the quiz. The numbers are just rearranged for the final test. I will also give the students a sheet with all the countries and capitals. Then they will have to identify the correct place on the map and to spell each word correctly. We will spend time this week going through these countries on an overhead. By the end of this unit, they will know most of the countries in Europe. It's week 3 of school. It seems like the days have been flying by. We were going to lunch today and one of the kids said that morning went fast. Our mornings are full and we get a lot done before lunch at noon.
Tomorrow at 7 is a DC trip meeting for the 7th and 8th grade parents. I am very excited about our trip this year! We are going to have a great time. For art this week, we have been coloring our picture using perspective. This is our first try at doing a perspective drawing. The drawings look good and I am excited to see the finished product. Right now I have the students writiing in their journal. Every day they write in their journal about a topic that I assign to them. Friday is free day and they get to choose what they want to write about.
On Wednesday, all students will have a literature quiz.
Go back to Mrs.Weber's page.Mrs. WeberI teach 5th-8th grade at SPI. I have a great bunch of students that enjoy learning. Archives |