Mrs. Conrad's Kindergarten Class
Field trip info:
Click here for my SPI Kindergarten wiki page.
There are no current order catalogs pending. I will send them again soon.
Use the link below to order online. My class access code is GMM2Z
Daily Class Schedule:
8:00-8:20 Devotions/Chapel
8:20-8:45 Religion & Memory (Wed Chapel and Chapel Family Activities)
8:45-9:05 Math Meeting
9:05-9:20 Handwriting
9:20-9:30 Snack
9:30-9:45 Recess
9:45-11:15 Tucker Signs, Phonics, Reading & Writing Activities
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:00 Story time
12:00-12:30 Math
12:30-12:45 Recess (Except Friday when P.E. is from 12:30-1:05)
12:45-1:15 Science or Social Studies Mon & Wed
1:15-1:45 (Mon & Wed)Activity time to complete alphabet books and other enrichment activities
(Fri) Music
1:45-2:30 Center time and Individual Assessments - We will also use this time to finish up
enrichment activities (especially on Friday when we have PE and Music)
We will also have technology twice a month during this time.
Discipline Policy
Kindergarten discipline guidelines to ensure that we have a classroom where we can grow and learn safely.
1. We are kind, courteous and respectful to each other.
2. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
3. We listen carefully to our teacher and each other.
4. We work carefully and neatly to the best of our ability.
5. We follow directions.
6. We walk quietly in the hallway.
Consequences: If a child is disrupting the class or not working appropriately: The stop sign method will be used.
1st warning - name on green light of the stop sign - no consequences yet but they know that I am aware of the problem and that it is time to get settled and complete their work.
2nd warning - move to the yellow light on the stop sign - 1/2 of the next recess is lost and talk with the teacher about the behavior and how they plan to change what they are doing.
3rd warning - move to the red light on the stop sign - the next full recess is lost - talk with the teacher again and a note sent home to parents concerning the behavior.
4th warning - phone call to parents.
**If a child is inflicting injury to another person: There will be an immediate time-out and a discussion with the teacher on how God wants us to treat our friends including having the child tell me one or two ways to change their behavior and they will also make an apology to the child/person that was injured. If the behavior continues a phone call home will happen that same day so that we can work together to keep our classroom a safe and happy place.
Kindergarten discipline guidelines to ensure that we have a classroom where we can grow and learn safely.
1. We are kind, courteous and respectful to each other.
2. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
3. We listen carefully to our teacher and each other.
4. We work carefully and neatly to the best of our ability.
5. We follow directions.
6. We walk quietly in the hallway.
Consequences: If a child is disrupting the class or not working appropriately: The stop sign method will be used.
1st warning - name on green light of the stop sign - no consequences yet but they know that I am aware of the problem and that it is time to get settled and complete their work.
2nd warning - move to the yellow light on the stop sign - 1/2 of the next recess is lost and talk with the teacher about the behavior and how they plan to change what they are doing.
3rd warning - move to the red light on the stop sign - the next full recess is lost - talk with the teacher again and a note sent home to parents concerning the behavior.
4th warning - phone call to parents.
**If a child is inflicting injury to another person: There will be an immediate time-out and a discussion with the teacher on how God wants us to treat our friends including having the child tell me one or two ways to change their behavior and they will also make an apology to the child/person that was injured. If the behavior continues a phone call home will happen that same day so that we can work together to keep our classroom a safe and happy place.